Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Flocked, Blocked and Stenciled Art Show

Hello All,

I was lucky enough to participate in a handmade textile show put on through AS220's print shop and the opening is this Friday 9/9 at 7pm. Please join me and look at all of our hard work!

Flocked, Blocked and Stenciled
186 Carpenter St
Providence, RI 02903




Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Beneath the Surface Anthology out now!

My weird fiction short story "Rig Rash" appears in this amazing collection of weird and fantastical tales by Parsec Ink. Order yours today!

Kindle price is only $2.99! Or get yourself a real paperback!


If you like hookers and oil rigs you will love it.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

drabble: sightless

100 word short story


Drabble: Sightless City – by Victoria Dalpe

Upon entering the town square, he felt a chill. It was bustling with activity but everyone there was blind. Not just blind, but maimed. Each eyehole dug out, every face scored with the resultant scars. It was clear they’d adapted a society using sounds in place of sights. Bells on horses and goats. Shops were belled, carriages belled, even children wore bells. The cacophony of the clanging disoriented. Un-belled, he was invisible. He waded through the crowd, silent. Until the white thing rose before him. Its starved eyes met his. Twin hungry pinholes. And he knew why they blinded themselves.
Author’s Note: I loved the idea of a city consisting of only blind people, who had adapted to stop this strange predator. Leaving it to starve in their midst.

drabble: killer city

100 word story


Drabble: Killer City – by Victoria Dalpe

Today the news bulletin warned blonds under thirty to abide by the curfew. The weekend before had been Asian women, the week before was little black girls, drunk teens etc. An ordinary day in a city of killers. And if you weren’t a potential victim you were a potential killer. It was wonderful last summer when the killer of killers was hunting. Made us all safer, until he was slain himself, of course. And things went back to normal. We watch the news, obey curfews, beware our friends and family. Mix up the routines, trust no one. Above all, survive.
Author’s Note: If serial killers were as common as TV procedurals make them out to be, bodies would be shoulder high in morgues.